Planning To Trust

Planning To Trust

Who’s a planner like me? I like to know every detail of everything and how it’s going to happen. Whenever I would go somewhere I would like to know every detail because I like to prepare myself for any obstacle that comes my way. I love to be prepared. I’m that girl who has everything under the sun in their purse. For a while I was carrying a mini first aid kit and spare proteins bars, just in case I get stranded and have nothing to eat. Yes, I know super dramatic but I love the feeling of being prepared. There’s nothing wrong of being prepared, I think that is a great trait to have, however, it gets messy when it carries over into our walk with God. Since I’m such a planner and always want to be overly prepared, I tend to do everything on my own. In some ways I seek control. There’s a catch though when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I had to surrender that control to Him. The one who’s always in control. This was very hard for me because this meant I had to let go of my “security blanket” and this made me feel vulnerable knowing that I didn’t have the answers. Which in reality I never really had the answers. Later, I learned for so long I was walking blind until I accepted Jesus into my heart. God only has the answers and my security is found in Him. Don’t you just feel an overwhelming sense of peace knowing that our future is held in His hands and that all we have to do is simply Trust Him. So there I was not knowing what that next step would be and feeling anxious when I heard God just whispered to my heart the words of “Just come and I will show you the way”. God has already walked those steps you are about to step into. He wouldn’t ask you to take those steps if he hasn’t prepared you for the season you are about to enter. I see it as Him in front of you holding your hand you are going for a walk. He will never let go and he will never lead you in to a step where you are not ready for.

For so long I was in the front taking the lead and not letting God do his thing. Simply moving positions,  this walk has become so much easier because I have a loving and faithful God to do it with. In fact, you and I are actually prepared for anything that comes our way because we have a God who’s already equipped us in every step we take. Therefore, when God says “Just Come”, take heart, trust him, and take his hand and follow his lead. You don’t need to Plan anything because God has that taken care of. So now I’m Planning to Trust!

The following verses have brought me such comfort in this walk of letting go and Trusting God.

Psalms 38:23-24 “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fail, for the Lord holds them by hand.”

Psalms 38:34 “Put your hope in the Lord. Travel steadily along his path. He will honor you by giving you the land. You will see the wicked destroyed.

4 thoughts on “Planning To Trust

  1. Wow! What an amazing reminder that when we put it all in Gods hands, we will eventually see his hand in everything! Love this 🙂


  2. Thank you so much Delaney for reminding me that I need to let go and trust! I am a planner too and was able to relate to so much in this blog. However, I know that His plans are way better than my plans so I follow His:-). I can’t wait to read more blogs. Great job!


  3. Thank you so much for the reminder to trust Him. I am also a planner and like to be in control of things. I too I learned that His plans are way better than mine so now, I’ve learned to trust Him. Great blog! I can’t wait to read more posts:-).


  4. Dear Delaney, I am sorry that this reply is delayed. I want to say that I am beyond proud of you and the initiation of your blog. You are chasing your dream and simultaneously will be a positive loving guide to all who will take a moment and read your entries. God Bless You and watch over you as you continue your journey. I am thankful for you and all you do. Also, thank you for being there for me and your wise advice! I love you!


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